Enough is enough. I've had this homegrown swing for too many years. I looked high and low for someone that is modern in his instruction, yet not one of those "I'm going to re-invent the golf swing" self promoting guru's. Through friends and family recommendations, I ended up with Jeff Ritter (http://jeffrittergolf.com/). Jeff has written several articles for Golf Digest, Golf Tips and Golf Punk magazines. I even noticed that he has an endorsement on his website from Jim Hardy, who wrote the book "The Plan Truth for Golfers", a book I was reading on swing planes.
Well I finally had my first session with Jeff, it was about 45 minutes in duration. My biggest issue that I've seen firsthand on video is my way too upright, past parallel, across the line golf swing that I've settled into. I've been fortunate enough or stubborn enough to make it servicable, however we all know it won't hold up.
Jeff's first order of business was to try to tuck in that flying right elbow and get my posture back down where it needed to be. Below is a picture of the before and after of the top of my swing (before is on the right obviously). Not bad for 45 minutes worth of work. Now I just need to groove this enough times to be able to stop the old stuff from creeping back in. Easier said than done.

My next lesson is with Jeff this Saturday, hopefully he'll impart more wisdom on me.
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